Publications By Elaine Heckingbottom

11+ Guide to Short Writing Tasks (11+ Support Book 3)

Help your child to achieve the 'magic score' which will help them in being allocated a place at their chosen selective school! In today's increasingly competitive society, preparation for the 11+ has been increasingly tough, whichever education authority area you live in.

11+ Vocabulary Booster (11+ Support)

Containing over 1000 vocabulary based 11+ exam style questions, this book has been produced by an experienced teacher who has been teaching Year 5 & 6 children for a great many years, helping them to prepare for the 11+ exams in her native area of Essex. This book is the first in a series that she intends to produce to help you to help your child to prepare for this all-important, tricky exam.

Towards the back of the book, you will find a section of additional activities and games to help you to prepare your child for the 11+ selection tests. You will also find excerpts from my other e-books, one of which has a lot of ideas to support 11+ preparation!

Can We Play Maths Today, Please? (Educational games Book 1)

Statistics would have us believe that mathematical levels have been dropping over the last 20 years. Parents and Grandparents are desperate to help their children to progress more easily and to become more confident in their mathematical abilities.

This useful book contains many ideas for games and activities to play with your child which will help to develop their confidence and speed in a range of mathematical concepts.

Fantastical Facts for Quizzical Kids: Totally Trivial: Volume 1

Who, What, Where, Why, When? Is your child always asking questions; always wanting to know more? If so, your child is very probably a Quizzical Kid! But what are quizzical kids? Quizzical Kids are the ones who are always asking questions; the ones who want to know who, where, why, when and how? They are the ones who love to absorb a range of random facts, and who often surprise you with what they actually know.

They are the ones who want to go beyond the basics that they learn in school; the ones who want to reinforce their learning with a lot more data and information; the ones who want to research and to astound us with what they have found out. They are the ones who love to absorb a range of trivia – and to show their knowledge wherever possible!

Richard's Magic Book: Volume 1 (Richard's Adventures)

Richard is an 8 1/2 year old boy who, like many boys of his age, simply hates reading. He views it as a waste of time - after all, there are plenty of other things that he could be doing ... such as watching TV, playing on the WII or on his Nintendo.

But all this changes when his teacher gives him a special book. As he says 'I had to give it to you. It has your name on the cover!' And it does. It's called 'Richard's Magic Book'. Reluctantly, Richard takes it home to read ... and is astounded to find that it really IS all about him!